The Demon God

Name: The Demon God Lore: He was a weakling at first but he made a mask of pure evil and transformed into the Demon God. Powers: God-like demon powers.

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Name: Destructor Lore: He was a scientist trying to make the most powerful soldier ever but he had no blood samples so he used his own.  When he showed the soldier to the King the King made him King. Powers: Crafty and really smart and he can shoot.

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Abomination 136

Name: Abomination 136 Lore: He was a normal person but he saw some scientists that needed help trying to make an ultimate super-soldier serum but he was a failure and mixed with others into one chaotic confusion. Powers: ??? – nobody knows as those that see them die immediately.

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Hero R

Name: Hero R Lore: He is the strongest soldier ever made by Destructor. Powers: Strength, smash power and super speed.

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The Magic Gate Keeper

Name: The Magic GateKeeper Lore: He protects a gate that holds the God of all Magic.  He is the key to enter. Powers: He has every single power in the universe and is the only thing that can open the gate.

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